
How to use the evaluator interviews platform during technical interviews for evaluating the coding and problem solving skills of candidates.

Starting an instant interview session

  1. Start a new session from the CollabPad menu.
  2. CollabPad is a real-time collaborative code editor and compiler.
  3. Enter the candidate's name then select the coding language and snippet for technical evaluation to begin a new session.
  4. You can load a predefined or saved code snippet or proceed with the default snippet to start a new session.
  5. Select the session duration.
  6. There is also an option to enable code compilation for the candidate.
  7. Click Start session to start a new session.
  8. Based on the programming language selected, a default code in that language will be loaded on the coding editor.
  9. Copy the session URL by clicking the share icon to share the interview with candidates.
  10. You can share the link with other interviewers or the interviews admin for a live view of the candidate's performance.
  11. When the candidate has joined, the number active users will change on the admin side, next to the share icon.
  12. Now you can start technical discussions and ask the candidates to write the code.
  13. You can view the code in real time as candidates write it.
  14. Candidates can also view the code written by you.
  15. Click on the Private Fiddle button on the bottom left to open a private copy of the active tab without affecting the session.
  16. You can run the code and view the output from the Output section.
  17. If the code compilation option is enabled, candidates can run the code and view the output.ย 
  18. If this option is disabled candidates cannot run the code only you can run it and see the output.
  19. You have the option to post new questions by opening new tabs any time.
  20. You can also switch languages during the interview.ย 
  21. Click + to open a new tab. Select the language and click on Continue, and the programming language will be updated in the environment.
  22. The change in environment will also be reflected on the candidate's side.
  23. You can end the interview session by clicking on the End Session button on the top right corner.
Using pre-defined code snippets during an interview
  1. Go to snippets and click Start Session under the snippet you want to choose.
  2. Enter the details of the session and click on Start Session.
  3. A new session with the selected code snippet will be started.
  4. Snippets can also be chosen from the Choose environment & snippet menu while starting a new session.


Saving an interview session
  1. Click on the End Session button on the top right corner to end an interview session.
  2. Click on Continue.
  3. Now you can view the coding historyย  and provide ratings and feedback based on various parameters.
  4. You can then exit the session with or without saving it.
  5. Click on Saved Sessions and then My Sessions, select the specific candidate's name to view the score card or play the saved interview session.
  6. Select a particular session and click load session to open a saved session as a new session.
  7. You can load a saved session for free the first time, but an interview credit will be deducted every other time you load the same session.
  8. You can also share the session with your team for review or for a second round of interview.
  9. Sessions shared can be tracked under the shared with me option on the dashboard on the left.
  10. Shared sessions can be viewed by clicking Shared with me under the Saved Sessions option.
Creating pre-defined code snippets

You can create code Snippets and save them for use during interviews.

  1. Click on snippets on the left navigation to create/view your or company snippets.
  2. Snippets can be a question, a customized code, or even a half-baked solution where the candidate will be asked to complete the remaining or missing portions.
  3. You can create personal snippets or snippets that can be accessed by everyone in your organization.
  4. Click +Create Snippet from the My snippets tab to create a new personal snippet.
  5. Click +Create Company Snippet from the Company snippets tab to create a new company snippet.
  6. Select a coding language and enter your snippet.
  7. Name your snippet and click save.
  8. Click the three dots icon to view, edit, share, or delete the snippet.
  9. Click on share Snippet and then click save to add the snippet to your company snippets.
  10. You can also rename the snippet here.
  11. Click on Delete Snippet and then click delete to delete a snippet that you have created.
Monitoring candidates shortlisted for interviews
  1. Click on My Interviews to track the candidates who have been shortlisted for interviews and assigned to you after successfully completing their assessments on Evalgator Assessments.
  2. Based on the interview dates they will be listed under the today upcoming and past sections.
  3. Click View Profile to view the assessment result page of the candidate.
  4. Start a new session with the candidate by clicking the Start a session button.