Assessment Creation

Evalgator allows you to create custom assessments for the roles you are hiring. You can select different types of questions, and set different levels of difficulty to create a suitable assessment.

Creating a New Assessment

  1. Click Assessment from the left navigation pane on the main dashboard. An Assessment dashboard with the existing assessments and options to search assessments, use filters, etc. will be displayed.
  2. Select +Add Assessment. 
  3. Now you have to choose between Single-slot assessment and multi-slot assessment.
  4. In a single slot assessment, all candidates are required to register by a specified time and attend the assessment at the same designated time slot.
  5. In a multi-slot assessment, candidates can register and attend the assessment during any of the permitted time slots.
  6. A dashboard to Create New Assessment will appear with the Basic Details tab displayed. It will have different widgets and drop-downs with options to customize the assessment.
  7. In the title field, enter the assessment title.

  8. In the Assessment Duration field, enter the total duration of the assessment in minutes.

  9. Set the registration close date and time under Registration Close Date & Time.

  10. Set the date and time of the assessment under Assessment Start Date & Time.

  11. Multi-slot assessments will have Assessment Start Date & Time and Assessment End Date & Time fields. Single slot assessments will have Registration Close Date & Time and Assessment Date & Time fields.

  12. If you have chosen a multi-slot assessment, the number of available slots will be displayed.

  13. Slot info can only be seen for multi-slot assessments, as there is only one slot for single-slot assessments.

  14. Select the role for which assessment is created from the drop-down menu under Primary.

  15. Select the Minimum Experience and Maximum Experience for eligible candidates from the drop-down menu.

  16. In the Location field, enter the location of the assessment.

  17. Enter the venue of the assessment under Address Information.

  18. Enter the address line 1, line 2, street, and pincode in the respective fields.

  19. Click Save & Proceed. You will be taken to the next step, Questions.


Adding Questions to an Assessment

Once you have entered the basic details of the assessment, you can start adding questions to it.

  1. Click  + Add Questions  button to the top right corner of the Questions dashboard.
  2. Select a question by clicking the small square box to the left of the question. You can scroll up and down to view more questions using the vertical scroll bar available on the right side of the dashboard.

    Pro-TipYou can search questions quickly by entering the question title in the search box provided at the top left corner of the popup box. You can also filter the questions by either Company Questions or Evalgator-provided questions by selecting the respective option in the drop-down menu that appears on clicking Show. Other classifications available are Category, Difficulty levels (Easy, Medium, Hard), Type (Coding, Descriptive, HTML, Single select MCQ, Video, Fill in the blanks, and Weighted MCQ), and Tags.


  3. Click  Select.
  4. Evalgator compares the assessment duration and duration of the questions. The system will highlight the difference between these durations. You can decide whether to proceed as such or add/remove questions to align the time.
  5. You can categorize the questions into different sections and configure them.
  6. Click on the settings icon to name the section, choose if the name should be shown to the candidate, and how many questions from this section should be shown in the assessment.
  7. Questions in the same section can be randomized. Candidates will be presented with different questions from the same section during the assessment.
  8. It is ideal to have questions of similar category, score and type in a section. This will help assess candidates on the same scale for assessments in which randomization is enabled.
  9. Click Save & Proceed. You will be taken to the next step, Proctoring.
Proctoring an Assessment

After adding the basic details and questions to the assessment, you will be taken to the next step, Proctoring. Proctoring provides you with options to enable face monitoring and other anti-cheating measures during a remote assessment.

  1. Select Manual Face Monitoring or Automatic Face Monitoring to enable Evalgator to capture the candidate's face during registration and assessment. The images captured during assessment can be compared with the image of the candidate captured during registration. This feature minimizes the risk of impersonation and cheating. 
  2. On selecting Manual, the images of candidates captured during registration and during the assessment will have to be compared manually. On selecting Automatic, Evalgator will compare the images and inform you of mismatches, if any.
    Note: Automatic Face Monitoring is an add-on feature. Additional payment is required to access this feature.
  3. On selecting Without Face Monitoring, registration and assessment will be conducted without verifying the candidate's face. Please note that on selecting this option the candidate’s image will not be captured during the assessment.
  4. In the Anti-cheating measures section, you can set up various anti-cheating measures for the assessment.
  5. Select Shuffle to shuffle questions for the assessment. This will change the order of questions for each candidate.
  6. Select Shuffle MCQ answer options to shuffle the options for each candidate.
    Note: Please avoid using the shuffle option for questions with options like "all of the above," "none of the above," "options A and B" etc... as this could confuse candidates.
  7. Select Enable copy-paste in answers to allow candidates to copy and paste answer content during the assessment.
  8. Enable copy questions to allow candidates to copy questions during the assessment.
  9. Secure exam browser, when enabled restricts candidates from attending the assessment from standard browsers. Candidates will have to download the secure exam browser provided by Evalgator to attend the assessment. Once the secure exam browser is initiated, the assessment environment will be locked until the exam is finished.
  10. With IP restriction you can limit candidates to attend the assessment from mentioned IP addresses.You can mention the range of IP addresses to be permitted in the corresponding fields. 
  11. Click Save & Proceed. You will be taken to the next step, Candidates.
Adding Candidates to an Assessment

Once you complete the initial steps, you can add candidates to the assessment. You can either add them one by one or in bulk.

To Add A Single Candidate

  1. Click the Add Candidate button in the Candidates dashboard.
  2. Enter the details of the candidates and select Add.

To Upload a List of Candidates

  1. Click Download the sample template below Candidate Generation in the Candidates dashboard.
  2. Enter the details of the candidates in the downloaded sheet.
  3. Upload the sheet using drag and drop or browse and upload from your system.
  4. Click  Save. You will be taken to the next step, Configuration.

Note: You can add more candidates later by clicking the Add Candidate button in the Candidates section. You can either upload a list of candidates by selecting Upload New List or add them directly by selecting the Add Single Candidate option from the drop-down menu that appears on the Add Candidate button. Candidates can be added till the registration close time for single-slot assessments. Candidates can be added even after starting the assessment for multi-slot assessments.

Configuring Assessment Settings

After adding candidates to the assessment, you will be taken to the next step, configuration. Here you can select options such as customize candidate registration fields, edit rules and regulations, edit the email for candidates, configure additional settings, and enable the invigilator app.

    1. You can choose the fields to display for candidates during assessment registration from Registration Fields under Configuration.

    2. Check the box next to a field name to include it in the registration form.

    3. Customize the display order of fields under each section by adjusting them on the right side of the page.

    4. Click on + Add Custom Field to add a new field to the form.

    5. Enter the field name, select the section under which it has to be shown, choose the type of field, and click on add to create a new field.

    6. Check Is mandatory to make it a mandatory field. 

    7. Click  Save
    8. In Rules and Regulations, you can edit the rules and regulations for the assessment.
    9. Click the edit button to make changes to assessment rules and regulations.
    10. Make the necessary changes and click save.
    11. In email templates, you can select the Candidate Invite, Candidate Reminder, or Candidate acknowledge email options from the Template Type dropdown menu and check the content.
    12. Click  Edit Template  to make changes if required.
    13. Edit the subject line if required. Enter email IDs for CC/BCC, if required. These email IDs can be of the HR or exam setters, as required. The email IDs entered here will also get every mail that is sent to candidates for this assessment. 
    14. Edit the email content in the text editor. Standard placeholders for dynamic content are provided on the right side of the template.
    15. Select  Test Email  to send a test email if needed. The mail will be sent to the email ID of the logged-in user.
    16. Click  Save.
    17. In additional settings you can select Trial Assessment from the drop-down menu. A trial assessment allows the candidate to familiarize themselves with the platform before the actual assessment. Ideally, a trial assessment should be similar in terms of the question types used in the real assessment.
    18. Set a joining time limit within which candidates must join an assessment post the start time of the assessment. This is to provide a window of a few extra minutes for those candidates who could not enter the assessment at the exact start time.
    19. Enable Resume needed to make it mandatory to upload a resume while registering for the assessment.
    20. Enable Chat support to allow candidates to interact with the support team during the assessment.
    21. Select the languages that are allowed for coding in the assessment.
    22. In the invigilator app section, you can enable exam invigilators to use the Evalgator Invigilator app.
    23. The Evalgator Invigilator app can be used by exam invigilators to verify attendance and assessment submissions. They can also use the app to extend assessment duration and add comments.
    24. Click  Save.
Publishing an Assessment

After all the above steps are completed, you can publish the assessment. As soon as you publish the assessment, an invitation email will be sent to all the candidates that were added to that assessment.

  1. Click the Publish button towards the lower right of the configuration page.
    1. A confirmation modal will appear. Select Publish.
  2. Note: You cannot delete an assessment after it has been published.

  3. The assessment will be shown on the Assessment homepage with a Registration in Progress status. You can make changes to the assessment, if required, by clicking the Edit Assessment button to the right of the row. Changes must be made before the starting time of the assessment. A shortcut to download the candidate list is also provided on the homepage. You can also add candidates after publishing an assessment.


  • A reminder email will be triggered by the system for those candidates who fail to register even after completing half the timeline between the date of publishing an assessment and the last date of registration. For example, if the period between the date of publishing an assessment and the last date of registration is 10 days, a reminder email will be sent to candidates who have failed to register after 5 days from the date of publishing.
  • To reflect the changes made to a published assessment, the assessment should be published again. On republishing, the system will ask if the candidates are to be notified or not. You can notify them if required.
  • You can add more candidates even post publishing an assessment. Invites will be sent by the system to the candidates you add.


  • Use the 'Try assessment' feature to verify if the assessment is working as expected.
Removing and Reinstalling Candidates to an Assessment

You can remove candidates from an assessment before or after publishing.

Before publishing an assessment

  1. Click the delete button corresponding to the name of the candidate in the Candidates dashboard.
  2. Click on delete to delete the user from the candidate list.

After publishing an assessment

  1. Click the remove icon corresponding to the candidate's name in the Candidates dashboard.
  2. Enter a brief reason for the removal and click remove.

Reinstalling candidates

  1. Click the reactivate candidate icon corresponding to the candidate's name in the Candidates dashboard.
  2. Click Confirm on the pop-up. The candidate will be added back to the assessment.