Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Evalgator a robust solution for technical hiring?

You can assess the skills of candidates using extensive coding tests. Evalgator supports all the leading programming languages such as C, C#, CPP, Dart, Go, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, PHP, Python, Ruby, Swift, and Typescript. A customizable IDE that allows candidates to flexibly change the color theme between dark and light modes, an enhanced code editor, and a super-fast compiler ensure a superior user experience for programmers. You can ensure the integrity of your assessments with a host of anti-cheating measures to help identify potential malpractices.

Does Evalgator support remote assessments?

Yes. Evalgator supports remote assessments. It comes wit a host of anti-cheating measures to ensure that only registered candidates participate in an assessment.

What are the add-on features provided by Evalgator?

There are three add-on features: (1) Custom domain with your brand name, which instills trust and credibility in your candidates (2) AI-based face verification to verify the candidate’s identity and match it with the face captured during registration. If there is a mismatch, the image will be flagged (3) AI-based grammar check that automatically scores descriptive answers based on grammatical correctness.


Will my company’s data be private?
Yes. All data concerning your company, employees, candidates, and tests are fully private. No other company, not even Evalgator, can view or access your data.
What customer support do you provide?

We have a dedicated customer service team to support you throughout the sales and post-sales journey. You can write to us at support@evalgator.com for platform-related queries.

Can two candidates log in with the same credentials at the same time during an assessment?
No. If a second candidate logs in with the same credentials, the first candidate will be automatically logged out. Multiple login activities are tracked in the system under the Activity tab. The platform also tracks the operating system and browser from which a candidate has attended the exam.
Where can I configure the logo and colors for the invitation emails sent to candidates?

The option to change the logo and color is available in the Company Settings menu. Please note that this option is available only for assessment admin users.

What are the exam scheduling options available in Evalgator?

There are two scheduling options: 


(1)Single-slot assessment: This is the traditional assessment method, where all the candidates are expected to take an assessment at a single, fixed schedule. 


(2)Multi-slot assessment: This is a more flexible approach where you can keep the assessment window open for a longer period. To use this assessment method, you only have to specify the exam start and end date and time, and Evalgator will automatically generate multiple exam slots for that period. The advantage of a multi-slot assessment is that it gives candidates the flexibility to choose a time slot according to their convenience. 

Is there a duration limit for assessments?
No. You can set the duration according to your company’s assessment requirements.
What is the candidates menu?

The Candidates Menu is a centralized hub within Evalgator where you can access all candidates you have assessed. It provides a comprehensive overview of your candidate pool.

Is there a restriction on the number of candidates for an assessment?
No, but the maximum number cannot exceed the total number of candidates permitted in your plan.
Can I download a candidate’s report in PDF format?

Evalgator allows you to download individual candidates' reports in PDF format directly from the platform. You can access these reports once the assessment results are published.

How do I download a candidate’s report in PDF format?

To download a candidate's report, navigate to the specific assessment result page and click on the option to download the report in PDF format. You can choose to customize the report by selecting specific sections you wish to include.

Can I customize the candidate’s report before downloading it?

Yes, you can customize the report by selecting only the sections you want to include in the PDF file. This allows you to create a tailored report that suits your needs.

What type of information will be there in the candidate’s report?

The report contains details such as basic details, question summary, questions and answers, candidate activity, and invigilator comments. You can customize the report by selecting only the sections you want to include.

How many questions can be included in an assessment?

The maximum number of questions that can be included in an assessment is 250.

How many question types can be included in a test?

You can include all the seven question types supported by Evalgator.

Does Evalgator have a question library?

Yes. You can use questions from our free question library with numerous questions across multiple categories to prepare tests on the fly.


Can I edit the questions in the Evalgator library?
No, you don't have the option to edit the questions in the common pool.  However, you can clone the question and then edit it. On cloning, a copy of the question will be created in your company’s list of questions where it can be edited.
Is it possible to set questions with different difficulty levels?
Absolutely. You can set three levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium, and Hard. This classification helps you sift through the list and identify high-potential candidates.
Can I shuffle the order of questions for an assessment?

Yes, you can shuffle the order of questions in an assessment. The platform also allows you to shuffle the order of choices in MCQ and weighted MCQ questions.

Are there any restrictions to the number of test cases that can be added to a coding question?
No, you can add any number of test cases to a coding question.
What is the advantage of keeping a test case hidden in a coding question?
When you keep a test case hidden, candidates will only know if they passed or failed the test case. They won’t be able to see the input or the expected output. Hiding the test case will discourage candidates from hardcoding the output values to get the result.
Can I restrict languages for a coding assessment?
Yes. While creating an assessment, you can specify the coding languages that can be used.
What is “broadcasting” in Evalgator?

Broadcasting is a feature that allows your support team to send messages to candidates during an assessment. This feature can be used for a variety of purposes such as notifying candidates about exam time extension or informing them on anything else pertaining to the assessment.

Is there an option to extend the assessment duration for a candidate during the exam?

Yes. The platform provides the option to extend the assessment duration for all candidates as well as specific candidates.

How are the assessment results calculated?
The system calculates the results automatically as soon as an assessment is complete. It will display the list of candidates based on their score/percentage after the evaluation.
Can an assessment be test run once it is published?
Yes, the Try Assessment option allows the examiner to test run an assessment and make changes to the questions before candidates take the test.
Can I delete an assessment?

Assessments in the draft stage can be deleted by Admin users. Once published, assessments cannot be deleted.

Can I add/remove questions after publishing an assessment?
Yes, you can add or remove questions from an assessment till the time the assessment starts. Once you add/remove questions, the assessment should be published again for the changes to take effect.
Can I add candidates after publishing an assessment?
Yes, candidates can be added until registration closes. On adding a candidate, the system will automatically send an assessment invite to them.
Can I remove candidates after publishing an assessment?

Yes, you can remove candidates after publishing an assessment. Go to the candidate generation dashboard and click the remove icon corresponding to the candidates name to remove them from the assessment. You will have to provide a brief reason for the removal. The candidate will be notified via email.

Can I add a candidate back to an assessment after removing them?

Yes, candidates once removed can be added back to the assessment. Go to the candidate generation dashboard and click the reactivate candidate icon corresponding to the candidates name to add them back to the assessment.

Can I correct/update an answer after the assessment has been conducted?
Yes, you can do that for MCQ and fill-in-the-blank questions. You can navigate to the question list under the assessment, modify the answers, and click Recalculate Rank to publish the result based on the updated/corrected answers.
Can I change the registration date and exam date after publishing an assessment?

Yes, you can change the time and date of registration for single-slot assessments before their original date and time. However, once the multi-slot assessment is published, the exam date cannot be modified.

What all activities of a candidate can be tracked?

You can track flagged activities (tabouts, multiple login attempts, extended screen connection,  accessing assessment from restricted IP), session activities (login, logout, assessment start and finish, trial exam start and finish), and timeline activities (candidate adding, registration, removal after publishing, reactivation, rescheduling).

Can I evaluate a candidate’s performance under different question categories?
While creating a question, you have the option to map the question to a category. Once the assessment is over, you can see the performance of the candidate across the categories used in that assessment.
What if I want to conduct the same assessment on a different set of candidates?
You can make use of the Clone Assessment feature to do this.